Lead-free solder paste No-Clean according to IPC-JSTD 004B & C

Powerful wetting, super printability, low voiding, hardly any flux splashes

No-clean, lead-free solder paste with powerful wetting + anti tombstone

This product was developed to achieve a drastic reduction in voiding in components with a large contact surface, such as power transistors, QFNs and, above all, automated applications. Anti-cushion effect formula. Powerful wetting. Guarantees consistent quality and performance during long-term use over several days. Very economical in its application. Halogen-free. The solder paste is suitable for superfine applications, MBGA, 0.4mmP QFP and QFN.

No-clean, lead-free solder paste with powerful wetting + anti tombstone

Today, the number of applications and types of PCB available for SMT have increased. The soldering conditions are adapted to suit the different surfaces and the quality of the base metal. Oxidised components are a huge problem as they cause a wide range of soldering defects. Ensures outstanding continual printability with super-fine pitch (0.4 mm/16 mil) and CSP applications (>0.3 mm dia.) for normal to fast printing and a long stencil lifetime. Powerful wetting of oxidised base plates and components, such as oxidised nickel. Ultimate solution for dewetting.

Lead-free solder paste with low melting point

Solder alloy with low melting point (138°C). Replacing the SnAgCu alloy with this product can reduce C02 emissions by up to 40% thanks to the low melting point. Outstanding wetting and low voiding. Halogen-free (Br ≤ 900 ppm, Cl ≤ 900 ppm, Br + CI ≤ 1500 ppm). TB48-M742D is suitable for dosing systems.

SAC305 reflow profile applicable, halogen-free, low-Ag solder paste

A very small quantity of two modified elements, Bi and Ni, are added. Different effects produced by these elements have been combined to achieve a powerful and easy-to-use low-Ag solder that is equal to or superior to SAC305 in terms of its melting point, thermal durability and crystal structure deformation over time.

Highly reliable, halogen-free, low-Ag solder paste

A very small quantity of two modified elements, Bi and Ni, are added. The different effects of these elements have combined to achieve a powerful and easy-to-use low-Ag solder that is equal to or superior to SAC305 in terms of its melting point, thermal durability and crystal structure deformation over time.

Highly resistant alloy solder paste, ideal for extreme conditions

SAC-type solder joints are not suitable for a longer product lifetime for applications that are exposed to significantly higher temperatures. In order to enable a much stronger, fatigue-resistant joint, In and Bi are added to facilitate a solid solution for the Sn crystal matrix.

Dispenser solder paste for super-fine pitch and micro components

Graping often occurs during the use of fine-particle solder paste because the higher volume of fine particles printed leads to an increase in oxide layers. S3X70-M500D minimises the quantity of oxide layers by selecting finer and more spherical solder powder under strict quality controls, to ensure high fusibility.

Dispenser solder paste for super-fine pitch and micro components

The non-contact application of solder paste enables repeated separation at a certain point. The quantity of solder paste can be set according to the size and therefore ensures the solder is ultra-reliable.


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